Service / Repairs

We recommend that clippers, trimmers, handpieces, machines, and drives are serviced once a year, preferably at the end of every clipping or shearing season before storing for the off-season.

Why get your clipping, trimming and shearing equipment serviced?

To prolong the equipment’s life by early diagnosis and repair of issues which could cause sudden failures and further damage.
Helps the equipment to run smoother, cooler and quieter
Electrical safety checked for peace of mind

What is included in the service?

Equipment is cleaned inside and out
Electrical safety check
Worn out / consumable components replaced (comb pegs are included in the cost of servicing, other replaceable parts are not)

To have your clipping, trimming or shearing equipment serviced, please contact us


To help speed up the repair please complete the repairs form detailing the problem and send it with your faulty equipment to our shop.

Repairs Form